Basics of Formula Feeding
Keep in mind, it does not matter if you are formula feeding or breast feeding your baby; all babies are different and follow a unique schedule or feeding pattern. Always check with your child’s pediatrician to make sure your baby is growing and developing appropriately.

Using powdered infant formula
• Use water from a safe source, such as distilled or purified water, to mix with formula.
• Follow the measurement instructions on your formula container always adding water first and then powder.
• Allow 15-30 minutes to finish bottle. Prepared formula should be used or refrigerated within one hour.
• Formula may be prepared ahead of time and stored in refrigerator for up to 24 hours.
• Open cans of formula have a 30-day shelf-life. Write the open date on the lid, and if there is any left after 30 days, throw it away.
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As infants grow, their ability to consume a greater volume and variety of food increases. Newborns need small, frequent feedings, whereas older infants can consume more volume requiring fewer feedings. Initially, you can feed your baby formula on demand when he/she cries or shows signs of hunger. Your baby will drink 2-3 oz. every 2-4 hours the first few days of life. By the end of the first month, you will have a better idea of your baby’s feeding schedule. During the first few weeks of life, if your baby is sleeping five hours and missing feedings, be sure to wake him/her up to feed.
Choosing a formula
There are many commercial formulas available for purchase, and one brand or type of formula is not best for all babies. Most pediatricians will recommend using a formula that is iron fortified, but always talk with your child’s doctor about what formula is best, especially if you suspect your baby has an intolerance or allergy.
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Tags: Baby, Basics, Feeding, Formula, Health, Infant, Mom